[horde] Ingo + user Cyrus

Alexa Rodriguez avrodriguez at jusbaires.gov.ar
Mon Dec 29 21:23:43 UTC 2008

Hi all!

I need that my users can use the filters mail through of Ingo.
The problem is that I have two authentications: An for the access to  
Horde(with Ldap) and other for the access to mail(with Cyrus).
For Ingo, set "timsieved" as driver.

The point is that Ingo uses by default the Ldap authentication and not  
the authentication of Cyrus.

How do I tell to Ingo, which use the user Cyrus?

Note: This is my file ingo/config/backend.php

$backends['sieve'] = array(
     'driver' => 'timsieved',
     'preferred' => 'mail.example.com',
     'hordeauth' => true,
     'params' => array(
         'hostspec' => 'mail.example.com',
         'logintype' => 'PLAIN',
         'usetls' => false,
         'port' => 2000,
         'scriptname' => 'ingo',
     'script' => 'sieve',
     'scriptparams' => array(),
     'shares' => false

Thanks in advance for any help with this.

Regards, Alexa.

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