[horde] removing old user data

LALOT Dominique dom.lalot at gmail.com
Thu Jan 8 07:57:38 UTC 2009

2009/1/7 Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:
> This functionality is also exposed as an API method that can be called.

Hello Jan,

Sorry to being so long to reply. We have been busy with 30cm of snow
falling on Marseille area, and all the area is blocked by the snow.
That's rare so close to the sea and there's a very little support to
wipe the snow from the streets.

Have you a sample for the API? I'll put it in the howto



> Zitat von Filipe Azevedo <fazevedo at netmadeira.com>:
>> The thing about this is that horde user management doesnt support all user
>> backends... For instance, if you're delegating authentication to IMP using
>> an IMAP backend, then there's no way to do this!
>> Although I supose one could go through the code on that area and figure
>> out how its done, having available a guide to it wouldnt hurt either...
>> Jan Schneider wrote:
>>> Or simply click on the corresponding icon in Horde's user management
>>> screen.
>>> Zitat von Bill Graham <grahamcw at hurleybulldogs.com>:
>>>> Here is a starting point
>>>> http://wiki.horde.org/DatabaseCleanup
>>>> Bill
>>>> --
>>>> Bill Graham
>>>> Systems Administrator
>>>> Hurley Public Schools
>>>> Hurley,SD 57036
>>>> USA
>>>> http://www.hurleybulldogs.com
>>>> grahamcw at hurleybulldogs.com
>>>> Quoting Dominique LALOT <dom.lalot at gmail.com>:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> That should be a FAQ, but I haven't been able to find something  about
>>>>> it. How can I cleanup all the data of a user. There's no  contrib scripts
>>>>> about it.
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Dom
>>>>> --
>>>>> Dominique LALOT
>>>>> Ingenieur Systeme et Reseaux
>>>>> Universite de la Mediterrane (Aix-Marseille 2)
>>>>> http://annuaire.univmed.fr/showuser.php?uid=lalot
>>>>> --
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>>> Jan.
>> --
>> Cumprimentos,
>> Filipe Azevedo
>> --
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> Jan.
> --
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> --
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Dominique LALOT
Ingénieur Systèmes et Réseaux

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