[horde] Recovering Horde

siondrifter at aim.com siondrifter at aim.com
Thu Jan 15 17:03:25 UTC 2009

Our mail server died.

I have the horde.sql backed up, as well as the ~/www/horde directories.? 

On the new server, I have installed the base applications, but before I configure them, I was wondering if there is a cannonical way to restore the applications to the state they were in before it went down.

I believe I know how to restore the mysql databases.? 'mysql -u {username} -p {password}?{database name 'horde'}?< horde.sql

As far as the horde applications themselves, would it be possible to simply copy the ~/horde/* directories that I had saved?over top of the 'defaults'?

Thank you greatly for any help in this.

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