[horde] DIMP : PB to select a range of messages

Gerard Breiner gerard.breiner at ias.u-psud.fr
Thu Feb 12 09:50:08 UTC 2009


In order to select a range of messages I click the "select box", 
navigate to the last message of the range, and then click on the last 
message while holding down the SHIFT key but  the range of messages is 
not selected. In fact  I must click outside the "select box" so that 
the  range is selected.
This behavior is confused for many users and makes them puzzled . My 
question is  :  bug or not bug ?

Thanks in advance

Gérard Breiner

Université Paris-Sud 11
Institut D'Astrophysique Spatiale
Gérard Breiner
Rue Georges Clémenceau
fr-91405 Orsay-ville 

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