[horde] $conf['group'] versus $conf['sql']

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Sun Mar 1 11:43:25 UTC 2009

Zitat von Stepan Kadlec <skadlec at centrum.cz>:

> greetings,
> the Horde global configuration allows setup of $conf['group']*  
> options, so I would like to use it for pointing to different mysql  
> database. However it seems those options are ignored and the default  
> $conf['sql']* are taken.
> $conf['group']['persistent'] = true;
> $conf['group']['username'] = 'horde';
> $conf['group']['password'] = '****';
> $conf['group']['hostspec'] = 'another.dbhost.tld';
> $conf['group']['port'] = 3306;
> $conf['group']['protocol'] = 'tcp';
> $conf['group']['database'] = 'horde';
> $conf['group']['charset'] = 'iso-8859-1';
> $conf['group']['splitread'] = false;
> $conf['group']['phptype'] = 'mysql';
> $conf['group']['driverconfig'] = 'custom';
> $conf['group']['driver'] = 'sql';
> $conf['group']['cache'] = false;
> should this work how I expect? what should I do?

Yes, that should work.


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