[horde] Oracle syntax problem

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Mon Mar 23 16:22:45 UTC 2009

Zitat von Michael Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org>:

> Quoting Ico Izquierdo <ico at cc.upv.es>:
>> Hello,
>> I've installed Horde Groupware working with Oracle as database.
>> All connections seems work properly but a few ones.
>> I think the problem is that some .php don't use MDB2 to build sql  
>> sentences, then the syntax are no correct.
>> Could you send any help?
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Ico Izquierdo
>> Error codes are:
>> *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
>> Mar 23 11:15:36 HORDE [error] [kronolith] MDB2 Error: unknown  
>> error: _doQuery: [Error message: Could not execute statement]
>> [Last executed query: SELECT DISTINCT s.*  FROM kronolith_shares s   
>> WHERE (s.perm_guest & 2) != 0 ORDER BY s.attribute_name ASC]
> It would appear that Oracle doesn't understand '&' to be a bitwise  
> AND operation, instead, needing to use the BITAND function. I don't  
> believe MDB2 would be any help here...

Horde_Shares_sql should use Horde_SQL::buildClause().


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