[horde] Turba test.php with ldap version support

Bennie van Lent b.van.lent at prompt.nl
Tue Mar 24 12:19:24 UTC 2009

Sorry the attachment is removed.
Its located here http://prompt.nl/horde-files/turba/test.phps

Bennie van Lent wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I've had a problem with preferences with the logfiles giving errors 
> with "Zero or more than one DN returned from search; unable to 
> determine user's correct DN". This is a correct error but to see why 
> its giving this error you can use the test.php file included with 
> turba to test the ldap connection. There is no option to switch ldap 
> protocol version so if you use version 3 all your testing will fail 
> since the test wont be able to bind to the ldap. This can also bring 
> people into the wrong direction when they think they have configured 
> the ldap preferences wrong when its not, but only a version problem 
> when binding with the test file.
> Attached a modified test.php for turba where the option is added to 
> choose LDAPv2 or LDAPv3. Tested and working here. All multiple entries 
> are now returned and you can check where the error is coming from. 
> Replace the test.php file in the turba folder with the one attached 
> and you should have the option.
> Hope this can help some other people as well.

Met vriendelijke groet,

Bennie van Lent
mailto:b.van.lent at prompt.nl
Kerkstraat 173
5261 CW Vught
Tel: +31 73 6567041

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