[horde] Horde 4.0

Elliot Anders elliot at marlboro.edu
Sun Mar 29 19:10:04 UTC 2009

On Mar 29, 2009, at 12:55 PM, Michael Rubinsky wrote:
> Quoting Elliot Anders <elliot at marlboro.edu>:
>> Is there any functional documentation for how to install the most
>> bleeding edge version of horde?
> The directions on the release management page should be enough to  
> get you going. The command to create the symlinks are there with  
> example paths etc... What, in particular, are you having trouble with?

thanks for the answer.  I actually spent most of my morning figuring  
out what I was missing, as it seemed that it couldn't be too difficult  
to setup.  What I was missing was an overview of the process.  I think  
I have a good grasp of this now, and would be happy to write up some  
documentation.  Do you think it would be best for me to start a new  
page on the wiki, or add it to one of the others already in place?


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