[horde] horde dyndns googlemail

Florian Brandner florian at brandner.net
Sat Apr 18 09:46:19 UTC 2009


> BTW, getmail is, in my opinion, way better then fetchmail.

May I ask why? I <insert search engine name here>ed a bit, and I didn't
really found a reason. Someone said getmail has a nicer config-file
while fetchmails config is cryptic, but besides that...
Getmails needs python, possibly a problem on a mailserver.

So, what makes getmail way better than fetchmail?

Mit freundlichen Gruessen,
Florian Brandner

WWW:    http://www.brandner.net
eMail:  florian at brandner.net
ICQ:    6952965
Jabber: fbr at jabber.ccc.de

Mandy: Love is for the weak-minded

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