[horde] Sync additional calendars

Alexa Rodriguez avrodriguez at jusbaires.gov.ar
Thu Apr 30 18:29:46 UTC 2009

Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org> escribió:

> Zitat von Alexa Rodriguez <avrodriguez at jusbaires.gov.ar>:
>> Hi List!
>> I'm trying to synchronize my calendars with my cell phone.
>> The documentation on the horde wiki states that I have to use "calendar,
>> tasks, notes, and contacts" as database name, but this  
>> configuration only allows me to sync my personal calendar.
>> This leads me a question:
>> Is it possible to synchronize my other calendars with my cell phone?
> Not at the moment.
> Jan.

There would be any possibility of modifying the source code to allow  
synchronization of the other calendars?

If this is so, where can I start?

Thanks in advance!!


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