[horde] Slow Sync

Kliakhandler Kosta public at kosta.tk
Fri May 22 09:10:10 UTC 2009

Quoting Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:

> Zitat von Roberto Maurizzi <roberto.maurizzi at gmail.com>:
>> 2009/5/21 Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>
>> > Zitat von Kliakhandler Kosta <public at kosta.tk>:
>> >
>> > > Hello,
>> > >
>> > > I recently posted a bug/feature request about this, and it was 
>> marked as not a bug. Sometimes, there is a need to resync all items 
>> to the device. I'd like to request a feature - to add an option to 
>> make the next sync a "slow sync". Such a feature exists in virtually 
>> every syncing server, as unfortunately none is perfect, and there 
>> sometimes comes a time to resync.
>> >
>> >
>> >  This also exists in virtually every client (where it's more 
>> appropriate anyway), so there's no reason to add this to the server.
>> Doesn't clearing the "Timestamps of successful synchronization 
>> sessions" in the Horde Options / SyncML for the selected devices and 
>> databases forces the equivalent of a slow sync?
> Kind of, but it only clears the timestamps, not the 
> server-client-map. That's why the OP asked for a server-side slow 
> sync trigger.
> Jan.
> --
> Do you need professional PHP or Horde consulting?
> http://horde.org/consulting/

I missed the earlier messages, so I'll reply to this. 

This option might exist in every client which is PC based, but I don't think that any mobile phone has this option, and certainly not mine (Nokia E71). 


Kliakhandler Kosta

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