[horde] horde 3.2.2 / ubuntu: "Can't find encoding" error with php5

Roberto Polli rpolli at babel.it
Mon Jun 1 14:31:09 UTC 2009

Hi all,

calling horde webservices, I can't have the correct error message.

For each kind of error I got the following message:
<Fault SOAP-ENV:Server: SOAP-ERROR: Encoding: Cannot find encoding>.

It seems that webserver can't elaborate a response since cannot find encoding.
PHP Fatal error:  SOAP-ERROR: Encoding: Cannot find encoding in 
/var/www/horde-webmail/lib/Horde/RPC/PhpSoap.php on line 95

the same horde release seems to feel better with php4  and RHEL
eg. in case of double put of event, return "Already exists"

any hint?

Peace, R.

Roberto Polli
Babel S.r.l. - http://www.babel.it
Tel. +39.06.91801075 - fax +39.06.91612446
Tel. cel +39.340.6522736
P.zza S.Benedetto da Norcia, 33 - 00040 Pomezia (Roma)

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