[horde] Fatal error: Call to undefined method PEAR_Error::findBody()

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Thu Jul 23 16:32:19 UTC 2009

The backtrace showed that the IMP_Contents constructor was not able to  
get the message or the message structure from the IMAP server.
This got to be either a problem with your IMAP server or the c-client  
library compiled into your PHP.
I changed the code in CVS so that the error is correctly catched now,  
but the root of the problem is somewhere outside of Horde.

Zitat von Marcel Samek <msamek at machinimamagic.com>:

> HTML attached as attachment. (I was in HTML mode when I sent the  
> email  - but it seems to have been stripped when it went out to the  
> list).
> M.
> Quoting Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:
>> You can try debugging this one and catch the PEAR_Error on that  
>> line   in thread.php.
>> Add something like:
>> if (is_a($contents, 'PEAR_Error')) {
>>    Horde::fatal($contents, __FILE__, __LINE__);
>> }
>> to see what this error actually is.
>> Zitat von Marcel Samek <msamek at machinimamagic.com>:
>>> Jan,
>>> I have been poking around a bit and have noticed an odd behavior    
>>> that may give some indication of the problem:
>>> I am seeing the problem in an IMAP folder that has a relatively    
>>> large number of emails in it - a little more than 4000
>>> I usually keep the messages sorted by date, in reverse order  
>>> (newest on top)
>>> When I select a message and then select "View Thread", I get the    
>>> problem below for a pretty high percentage of messages (maybe 20%   
>>> or  so)
>>> It doesn't matter how many times I try it for a particular  
>>> message,   it will always give me the error.
>>> Here is the odd part:
>>> If I sort the messages by subject (so that the members of a thread  
>>>   are next to each other) and then select the exact same email  
>>> that   has always show this problem before, "View Thread" will now  
>>> work   properly.
>>> Even if I go back to sorted by date, the "View Thread" on that   
>>> email  will continue working.
>>> I have now verified this on a half a dozen threads and the  
>>> behavior   is perfectly reproducible.
>>> Marcel
>>> Quoting Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:
>>>> Zitat von Marcel Samek <msamek at machinimamagic.com>:
>>>>> When I select "View Thread" for certain email messages, I get  
>>>>> the    following error:
>>>>> Fatal error: Call to undefined method PEAR_Error::findBody() in   
>>>>>   /var/www/mm/horde/imp/thread.php on line 99
>>>>> View Thread does work for many of my emails, but there are also   
>>>>>  many  for which I always get this error.
>>>>> I am running Horde 3.3.5-cvs and Imp 4.3.5-cvs
>>>> I don't see this.
>>>> Jan.
>>>> -- 
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>>>> http://horde.org/consulting/
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>> Jan.
>> -- 
>> Do you need professional PHP or Horde consulting?
>> http://horde.org/consulting/
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