[horde] Horde Groupware Webmail 1.2.3 and Alarms

Beth Halsema bhalsema at purdue.edu
Fri Aug 21 20:24:58 UTC 2009

We are running Horde Groupware Webmail v1.2.3 and experimenting with 
the Alarm system.

When a user configures his/her alarms to be handled via e-mail 
notifications, the user has the option to specify an e-mail address.
In lib/Horde/Alarm.php:_mail(), the originator and recipient of the 
alarm are set to either the getDefaultFromAddress() value or the 
user-provided value.

Was this what was intended?  Or was the idea that the user-provided
value only be applied to the recipient, while the sender address 
is the e-mail address associated with the individual who "owns" the 
We have configured our servers to only permit sender e-mail addresses
that contain our domain.  This is at odds with the current Webmail
alarm system, since it allows the specification of another e-mail 
address (potentially from an unrelated domain), which would result in
the notification not being delivered.

Am I missing a configuration option that addresses this behavior?

Thanks in advance,
Beth A. Halsema                        Sr. Network Analyst/Engineer
Utility Software Services              email:bhalsema at purdue.edu
OVPIT - IT Infrastructure
401 S. Grant St.                       phone:(765)496-7456
West Lafayette, Indiana 47907-2024     fax  :(765)494-0566

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