[horde] any horde experts in K-W area who might have a couple hours?

Robert P. J. Day rpjday at crashcourse.ca
Tue Aug 25 19:07:16 UTC 2009

  i'm starting to think that i might be getting out of my comfort zone
here since i'm now looking at upgrading a 3.0.9 horde install to
3.3.4, and that's a long way to go for someone who's new at this.

  if i make a snap decision and want to find someone local who wants
to make a few bucks doing this and is *good* at it, anyone out there
in the area who's available on *very* short notice?


p.s.  if you don't know what "K-W" stands for, you're not local. :-)

Robert P. J. Day                               Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA

        Linux Consulting, Training and Annoying Kernel Pedantry.

Web page:                                          http://crashcourse.ca
Twitter:                                       http://twitter.com/rpjday

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