[horde] upgrading a *new* database doesn't look like it's going to work

Robert P. J. Day rpjday at crashcourse.ca
Wed Aug 26 15:29:41 UTC 2009

On Wed, 26 Aug 2009, lst_hoe02 at kwsoft.de wrote:

> You don't need every intermediate version of Horde, the most recent
> will be sufficient.

  so far, so good.  what i have is the following:

  .../horde/...    (existing, 3.0.9 install)
  .../horde334/... (new, unloaded, pristine 3.3.4 tarball)

  let's leave the horde apps *completely* out of this, since all i
want to do is get the upgraded *framework* in place and, in fact, the
only critical app i want to get up and running is a NON-horde ticket
system which is already up to date, so that will be trivial.  in
short, all i'm after is to upgrade the horde framework itself, nothing

  the (old) mysql horde database is named "horde", and it's already
had the 3.0_to_3.1.mysql.sql upgrade script run on it -- i can verify
that since that database has a new horde_histories table it didn't
have before.  so that first upgrade step has been done.

  at this point ... what?  as you point out, i need to run the second
3.0->3.1 upgrade script (move history out of datatree) within the
confines of a horde install.  but can i run it within the confines of
a 3.3.4 horde install?

  as in, at some point, i'm going to go into the 3.3.4 configuration
and start filling in config info, based on what i can read out of the
old 3.0.9 conf.php file.  but can i point the 3.3.4 install at that
old database?  will that be compatible?  because if it is, that sounds
like it would solve my problem.  the 3.3.4 install would then be
running off of the *old* database, at which point i can do the rest of
the upgrade steps.  is that possible?  will a 3.3.4 install accept
being configured against a 3.0.9 format database?  or am i just
hopelessly confused by now?


Robert P. J. Day                               Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA

        Linux Consulting, Training and Annoying Kernel Pedantry.

Web page:                                          http://crashcourse.ca
Twitter:                                       http://twitter.com/rpjday

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