[horde] error after migrating: function.chmod

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Tue Sep 22 07:14:56 UTC 2009

Zitat von "Robert P. J. Day" <rpjday at crashcourse.ca>:

>   after migrating a working horde system from an old lenny server to
> the new one this morning, people who try to log in now get the
> following diagnostic:
> Warning: chmod() [function.chmod [<CORPNAME>]]: No such file or
> directory in /var/www/<CORPNAME>/horde/lib/Horde/Cache/file.php on
> line 126
>   i popped down to that directory and perused file.php, and the
> appropriate snippet is:
> ...
>     function set($key, $data, $lifetime = null)
>     {
>         require_once 'Horde/Util.php';
>         $filename = $this->_keyToFile($key, true);
>         $tmp_file = Util::getTempFile('HordeCache', true, $this->_dir);
>         if (isset($this->_params['umask'])) {
> 126 ->      chmod($tmp_file, 0666 & ~$this->_params['umask']);
>         }
> ...
>   curiously, *i* can log in with my test account -- not sure why --
> but can anyone clarify what is going wrong above, and how doing a
> simple migration of data from the old server to the new one might have
> caused this?  thanks.

Check the directory/file permissions in your cache folder.


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