[horde] CPU frying due to gigantic line in description field of a kronolith event

lst_hoe02 at kwsoft.de lst_hoe02 at kwsoft.de
Wed Feb 10 11:47:41 UTC 2010

Zitat von Luis Felipe Marzagao <lfbm.andamentos at gmail.com>:

> Hello:
> One of my users has pasted a gigantic line in the "description"  
> filed on a Kronolith event.
> This line is really large. It has about 16,000 characters and spaces  
> between words.
> It have put an example here:  
> http://www.marzagao.adv.br/example/giantline.html
> As you can see in the link, when you copy/paste the text, you'll  
> notice it's everything in a single line.
> The problem with that is when you load Kronolith (month view) with  
> something like that in a event's description field, your server's  
> processor goes up to the hights. It nearly fries. The month view  
> takes about 1 minute to show up.
> So I started getting this in my logs:
> Feb  7 17:01:03 centos mcelog: Please check your system cooling.  
> Performance will be impacted
> Feb  7 18:18:22 centos kernel: CPU0: Temperature above threshold,  
> cpu clock throttled
> Feb  7 18:18:22 centos kernel: CPU1: Temperature above threshold,  
> cpu clock throttled

I can confirm that with a "description" field like that it gets slow  
as hell, but you should never get the warnings above with healthy  
As far as i know you can limit the amount of data which is allowed per  
text field in the horde settings and this could lower the burden.



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