[horde] Wrong display of "Due" date in whups

Václav Hůla ax at natur.cuni.cz
Mon Mar 15 15:38:46 UTC 2010

Dne pátek 12 března 2010 18:56:57 Jan Schneider napsal(a):
> Zitat von Václav Hůla <ax at natur.cuni.cz>:
> > Hello,
> > 
> >   recently whups started to show due date in czech locale as
> >   "%-d.%-m.2010
> > 
> > (před 12 dny)" instead of actual date (English version is OK). Sadly,
> > there was lots of changes on the webserver so its hard for me to track
> > the cause. Can anyone, please, point me where to start debugging this
> > problem?
> This is an invalid strftime() formatter. The valid formatters are
> listed in the date_format preference in horde/config/prefs.php and may
> overriding values in the preference backend.

After few hours of checking what does what I was unable to change format of 
the due date. The due date is shown near creation date and last change date, 
which were effected by config change (note, neither string %-d nor %-m can be 
found anywhere in the horde sources). 

Finally, I noticed in horde/whups/lib/Ticket.php on line 976 (973 in git):

case 'created':
	$this->addVariable(_("Created"), 'timestamp', 'date',                                        
			false, false, null, $date_params);                     		

case 'due':
	$this->addVariable(_("Due"), 'due', 'datetime', false,                                        
			false, null, $date_params);

third argument in "due" is 'datetime', but all other time-displaying variables 
have 'date'. Changed this and now its ok.

Václav Hůla,
správce linuxových serverů
Přírodovědecká fakulta
Univerzita Karlova v Praze 

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