[horde] IM and document store applications

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Thu Apr 29 16:00:02 UTC 2010

Zitat von "Mailingliste TBits.net GmbH" <mailinglists at tbits.net>:

> (I'll just go crazy and cross-post this, hope no-one minds...)
> The higher-ups commanded that I implement two more Horde  
> applications. Maybe something to that effect already exists  
> somewhere in the depth of the repository?
> One is a 'messaging module', i.e. something akin to e-mail, only  
> with some of the properties of SMS and the likes. The basic ideas  
> seem to be that
>     * a window pops up when a new message is received
>     * the user may 'reply' after reading it
>     * the 'conversation' is kept in the archive and can be reviewed later
> This shall be reserved for 'internal' communication, i.e. a message  
> should never leave the company network.
> Perhaps the messages could be internally mapped to actual e-mail,  
> 'delivered' by injecting them into an appropriate (world writable?)  
> IMAP folder in the recipient's inbox. The thread of conversation  
> could be tracked via 'In-Reply-To' header. Now to just find a way to  
> periodically check for new IMs, regardless of which application is  
> currently being used...

This would be the "letter" module in the incubator of the CVS  
repository: http://git.horde.org/incubator/letter/?rt=horde

> The other is a 'document management module', where users can  
> (basically) upload files everyone else can then download when  
> needed. This sounds suspiciously like Gollem could be used as a  
> base, only with some sort of tagging mechanism added to it in order  
> to link files to projects, customers and whatnot. However, the  
> version of Gollem from git cannot seem to work with the  
> Horde/PHP/whatever distribution provided by Kolab (at least I didn't  
> manage to get it running and the code looks like it wants H4). I  
> suspect some hacking needs to be done for it to fit the environment?  
> Since Gollem isn't in the Kolab distro, there must be something like  
> that. At any rate, the bosses (and probably the whole Kolab crowd as  
> well) will want the files stored in IMAP (insert snide remark here),  
> so an appropriate backend would need to be implemented whether  
> Gollem can be used or not.

There is also a stable version of Gollem that should work fine with  
Horde that ships with Kolab. As a general rule, all new development  
should happen for Horde 4 though, at least if you want upstream  
support from/integration into Horde.
If you want IMAP backend support for Gollem, this would actually  
simply be another backend for Horde's VFS library.

You might also want to look at Kastalia from Git.

> Once again, the image in the Boss Man(tm)'s head is very likely that  
> he will get something that is essentially a clone of what we are  
> using now (i.e. of the system sold by the guys at  
> www.infra-struktur.de). On the other hand, of course, I must insist  
> that abstraction not be lost and the results of development work  
> independently of both the notions established within our company the  
> whole Kolab dealie (I figure this should sit well with the Horde  
> crowd).
> Bottom line:
>     * If such applications already exist without us knowing, perhaps  
> they could be adjusted to meet the big-wig's expectations.
>     * If there are concepts or ways of doing things that would lend  
> themselves well for this, feel free to point them out.
>     * If such applications are actually wanted, they could be merged  
> (or somesuch) when we come up with some code. If they are not,  
> nevermind.

Any contributions are welcome, especially Letter and Kastalia could  
use more hands, since they are basically one-man-shows, with the one  
man having disappeared.


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