[horde] Problem with turba and nag

Ana Carolina da Cunha L. Giulianetti carolina.giulianetti at feluma.org.br
Thu May 13 17:59:09 UTC 2010

to edit my addressbook that is what I spent before. " kc="Eu configurei a log para o modo debug ea mensagem de retorno quando tento editar meu addressbook é esta que passei anteriormente." closure_uid_76ky7t="575">Sorry, disregard the previous message.  

to edit my addressbook that is what I spent before. " kc="Eu configurei a log para o modo debug ea mensagem de retorno quando tento editar meu addressbook é esta que passei anteriormente." closure_uid_76ky7t="575">I set the logging to debug mode and rto edit my addressbook that is what I spent before. " kc="Eu configurei a log para o modo debug ea mensagem de retorno quando tento editar meu addressbook é esta que passei anteriormente." closure_uid_76ky7t="575">eturn message when I try to edit my addressbook that is what I spent before. 
the screen. " kc="Na interface, quando tento adicionar um contato, um novo addressbook ou uma tarefa, retorna a mesma tela mas sem nenhuma mensagem, como se tivesse feito refresh na tela." closure_uid_76ky7t="576">Interface, when I try to add a contact, a new addressbook or task, returns the same screen but without a message as if it had done refresh the screen. the menu "My contacts" returns the message: "sharing" does not exist. " " kc="Se tento editar o addressbook atual através do menu "meus contatos" retorna a mensagem: " o compartilhamento "" não existe"." closure_uid_76ky7t="577">If I try to edit the current addressbook via the menu "My Contacts" returns the message: "sharing" does not exist. "
contact you requested does not exist." " kc="Quando tento editar um contato existente, que só consegui adicionar através da importação de csv, retorna a mensagem " o contato que você solicitou não existe"." closure_uid_76ky7t="578">When I try to edit an existing contact, which could only add by importing csv, returns the message "The contact you requested does not exist."
log do horde:" closure_uid_76ky7t="579">Then follows a part of the horde log: 

log do horde:" closure_uid_76ky7t="579">May 13 14:49:23 HORDE [debug] [turba] Hook _horde_hook_share_init in application horde not called. [pid 6956 on line 1713 of "/var/www/html/horde/lib/Horde.php"] 
May 13 14:49:23 HORDE [debug] [turba] O compartilhamento "" não existe. [pid 6956 on line 176 of "/var/www/html/horde/lib/Horde/Notification.php"]
May 13 14:49:23 HORDE [debug] [turba] Hook _horde_hook_share_init in application horde not called. [pid 2069 on line 1713 of "/var/www/html/horde/lib/Horde.php"]
May 13 14:49:24 HORDE [debug] [turba] SQL query by Horde_Alarm_sql::_list(): SELECT alarm_id, alarm_uid, alarm_start, alarm_end, alarm_methods, alarm_params, alarm_title, alarm_text, alarm_snooze, alarm_internal FROM horde_alarms WHERE alarm_dismissed = 0 AND ((alarm_snooze IS NULL AND alarm_start <= ?) OR alarm_snooze <= ?) AND (alarm_end IS NULL OR alarm_end >= ?) AND (alarm_uid = ? OR alarm_uid = ?) ORDER BY alarm_start, alarm_end [pid 2069 on line 148 of "/var/www/html/horde/lib/Horde/Alarm/sql.php"]
May 13 14:49:24 HORDE [debug] [turba] Hook _horde_hook_share_init in application horde not called. [pid 2069 on line 1713 of "/var/www/html/horde/lib/Horde.php"]

Citando Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>: 

> Zitat von "Ana Carolina da Cunha L. Giulianetti"
> <carolina.giulianetti at feluma.org.br>:
>> Hello
>> I'm having the following problem - when I enter a contact or manage
>> my address book I get the message: no object required. I can not add
>> new contacts as well as new tasks, contacts and notes but function
>> normally.
>> In the log I get the following message: hook_share_init hook in
>> application horde not called.
> Is this the *only* message in the log? It's not related to your
> problem by the way. And what is the *exact* error message in the user
> interface?
> Jan.
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