[horde] Exchange Address Book

Horde Horde-List at armin-tueting.com
Wed Jul 28 09:15:58 UTC 2010


I'm getting the following error when using the Exchange Address Book in
Horde Groupware Webmail Edition 1.2.6 - Query failed: (1) Operations
Please find below on how to intergrate into Turba in sources.php.

Any help appreciated.


$cfgSources['accountsldap'] = array(
    'title' => _("Exchange Adresses"),
    'type' => 'ldap',
    'params' => array(
        'server' => 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx',
        'port' => 389,
        'tls' => false,
        'root' => 'dc=example,dc=local',
        'bind_dn' => 'cn=LDAPService,ou=Services,dc=example,dc=local',
        'bind_password' => 'xxxxxxxxx',
        'sizelimit' => 0,
        'dn' => array('cn'),
        'objectclass' => array('person'),
        'scope' => 'sub',
        'checkrequired' => true,
        'checksyntax' => false,
        'version' => 3
    'map' => array(
        '__key' => 'dn',
        '__uid' => 'uid',
        'firstname' => 'givenName',
        'lastname' => 'sn',
        'namePrefix' => 'title',
        'name' => array(
            'fields' => array('namePrefix', 'firstname', 'lastname'),
            'format' => '%s %s %s',
            'parse' => array(array('fields' => array('namePrefix',
'firstname', 'lastname'),
            'format' => '%s %s %s'),
            array('fields' => array('firstname', 'lastname'),
            'format' => '%s %s'))
        'alias' => 'mailNickname',
        'homeStreet' => 'streetAddress',
        'homePOBox' => 'postOfficeBox',
        'homeCity' => 'l',
        'homeProvince' => 'st',
        'homePostalCode' => 'postalCode',
        'homeCountry' => 'co',
        'email' => 'mail',
        'homePhone' => 'homephone',
        'workPhone' => 'telephoneNumber',
        'cellPhone' => 'mobile',
        'fax' => 'facsimileTelephoneNumber',
        'pager' => 'pager',
        'title' => 'title',
        'role' => 'department',
        'company' => 'company',
        'notes' => 'info',
        'website' => 'wWWHomePage'
    'tabs' => array(
        _("Personal") => array('firstname', 'lastname', 'namePrefix',
'name', 'alias'),
        _("Location") => array('homeStreet', 'homePOBox', 'homeCity',
'homeProvince', 'homePostalCode', 'homeCountry'),
        _("Communications") => array('email', 'homePhone', 'workPhone',
'cellPhone', 'fax', 'pager'),
        _("Organization") => array('title', 'role', 'company'),
        _("Other") => array('notes', 'website'),
    'search' => array(
    'strict' => array(
    'approximate' => array(
    'export' => true,
    'browse' => true,
    'readonly' => true,
    'list_name_field' => 'lastname'

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