[horde] Weather.com support dropped in horde 3.2.2?

Chris cjdl01 at brokensolstice.com
Sun Sep 12 00:44:52 UTC 2010


I hope that this is not a stupid question, but I have looked, and  
can't find any answers
to this...

Did horde drop support for the weather.com block in the portal?  I  
have an older version
of horde (3.1.1) I have been running for 6  years now, and I am  
putting together a new
machine to take its place.  The new machine is Debian Lenny.  This  
time, I'm trying
tostick with the packages in the stable branch, and 3.2.2 is the  
stable version of Horde
for Lenny to simplify administration.

I look through my block options on my settings, and I do not see a  
weather.com option --
only metar weather.  Has this feature been abandoned, or does it just  
need to be
activated some how?

Again, sorry if this is documented somewhere... I just couldn't find  
it anywhere...



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