[horde] (no subject)

Niels Dettenbach nd at syndicat.com
Thu Oct 21 07:04:14 UTC 2010

Hi Spyros,

i can see two things here:

1.) Please disable warnings / deprecated warnings in your php.ini
 see i.e. 
in php.ini as the default values often are not suitable for production environments.
(this is not horde specific)

I did not have this in mind currently, but i remember to use something like:

	error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE	
	display_erros = Off
	display_startup_errors = Off

but you may have to check if this fit's your needs.

2.) Your database could not be found / connected. I assume your database configuration is not working / actual anymore. Eventually the selected DB drivers are missing in your php installation (i.e. mysql/mysqli) / pear modules. 

Make shure you have all the required pear modules installed - especially regarding your database configuration - i.e. 
 - DB
 - MDB2
 - MBD2_Driver_mysql (or ...mysqli)

You may check if extension_dir in php.ini points to the correct and current path of your modules (if extension_dir is defined).

good luck,

Niels Dettenbach

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