[horde] Sam - SpamAssassin module

Rick Romero rick at havokmon.com
Mon Nov 15 15:15:55 UTC 2010

Quoting Andy Dorman <adorman at ironicdesign.com>:
>   >>> I would like to have some way for individual users to do this
>   >>> themselves without having to log into Plesk.
>   >> It is usually a very bad idea to let normal users train a  
> complex anti-spam
>   >> solution like spamassassin - independently from if the results just
>   >> affecting
>   >> all users or the affected user only.
>   >>
>   >
>   > Bad, bad idea to have individuals drive the training.  We tried it
>   > for a couple of months several years ago and it was a disaster. 
>   > People will mark email as spam instead of removing their names from
>   > legitimate mailing lists.  They will also mark valid emails from
>   > people they just do not want to hear from any more as spam.
>   >
>   > We ended up having to completely wipe the db and start over with a
>   > few select, trained employees feeding the db and now we get very few
>   > FPs.
>   >

I would only agree on the assumption that you are using a single DB for
your entire userbase.  I love getting 'Spam Alerts' from AOL that contain
things like wedding invitations and email that has some word or phrase
that obviously offended the user.

If he is using SpamAssassin on a per-user basis, then that elimitates the
people who think 'Spam' = "Mail I don't want" from tainting other's
opinions.  It also allows people to accept or deny bulk mail based on
their own preferences.  IMHO, it changes the entire concept of
'Spam-detection' into 'types of mail *I* don't like-detection'.  It's up
to you whether or not that's the way you want to go.  

Personally, I have had better luck with per-user training than one common


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