[horde] Horde Webmail

Michael Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Wed Jan 12 16:51:25 UTC 2011

Quoting Bo Lynch <blynch at ameliaschools.com>:

> I am experimenting with horde at a clients site. Currently they are
> running squirrelmail;dovecot;postfix for mail and for authenticating they
> are using /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow or local users. I noticed that in
> horde conf file there is a passwd file option which calls /etc/passwd but
> I am unable to get this to work. Is it possible to use the users already
> in /etc/passwd with there current passwd in /etc/shadow?
> Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Most modern *nix systems use a shadow file for passwords, in which  
case the Passwd driver will not work. We provide a "Login" driver for  
this purpose, but a number of systems have an issue with this driver  
as well becuase (IIRC) the su binary is only allowed to be run via an  
actual terminal.

You can try using the Pam authentication backend in this case. I've  
used this successfully on a number of Ubuntu/Debian systems.


The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org

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