[horde] Horde (git) install problem

Michael Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Fri Feb 11 15:13:39 UTC 2011

Quoting Ralf Lang <lang at b1-systems.de>:

> Am Freitag 11 Februar 2011, 04:55:50 schrieb Michael Rubinsky:
>> Quoting Louis-Philippe Allard <lp.allard.1 at gmail.com>:
>> > OK here are my findings:
>> Please don't top post.
>> > 1- There is no such files as conf.php in the appz config subfolders.  I
>> > looked in my initial git clone folder, nothing, then I tried a git pull,
>> > no conf.php file and finally I looked in the git repository at
>> > http://git.horde.org/horde-git/-/browse/imp/config/?ws=1 and there is no
>> > conf.php files there either....
>> >
>> > So what should I do???
>> The conf.php files for each application are generated by Horde when
>> you configure the application(s) via the administration setup
>> interface.  The only conf.php.dist file that is shipped with Horde is
>> horde/config/conf.php.dist and it is basically a boot-strap file, to
>> get you into horde long enough to initially configure it.
>> > 2- I tried numerous configurations in the registry.php file to get the
>> > applications to show up in the main horde interface.  nothing.  I tried
>> > adding the fileroot, webroot and followed the instructions on multiple
>> > forums but no success.
>> >
>> > Any suggestions?
>> Ralph Lang answered this question for you already. Find the
>> $app_fileroot line that is commented out in registry.php and set it to
>> the FULL path to the Horde directory fileroot.
> AFAIK the last time I checked that line was not commented out but stripped.
> http://git.horde.org/co.php/horde/config/registry.php.dist?onb=master&rt=horde-
> git&ws=1&r=8c5b14dc83ec38cb27890f847afae2da80b618c0

The line I am talking about is still there, towards the top of the  
registry.php.dist file, along with comments about what it is used for.

> Although there are automagical defaults and the comments tell me what to do,
> I don't find that intuitive for a firsttime-bootstrap file.

Sure. Agreed. Though this process is only required for people that  
want to run the development code, out of a git checkout, or want to  
otherwise put the app directories somewhere non-standard. Honestly, we  
would expect someone running code directly out of a git checkout to be  
able to handle something like this, especially since we provide  
instructions on how to do it.

The release, of course, will not require this.


The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org

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