[horde] Preference backend migration?

Adam Tauno Williams awilliam at whitemice.org
Tue Apr 5 13:38:52 UTC 2011

On Tue, 2011-04-05 at 15:24 +0200, Jan Schneider wrote:
> Zitat von Adam Tauno Williams <awilliam at whitemice.org>:
> > Is there a feature/trick/hack to migrate user preferences from one
> > backend to another?  Perhaps using one of the hooks?
> > Currently we use LDAP for preferences [since we use a lovely OpenLDAP
> > server] but are moving to AD [when schema mods are less encouraged].
> > I'd just like to continue using OpenLDAP to store the user prefs for
> > awhile but write the preferences to the SQL database, and then at some
> > point cut over to using that to read preferences.  Possible?
> Not without some custom code development in the preference code. Or  
> maybe a postauthenticate hook would work too. 

That is what I suspected [inserting it into a hook];  I'm surprised
nobody has run up against this before.

> Of course you could also  
> write some customs script that does a one-time conversion directly  
> from one backend to the other.

 - for each user
   - 1. Create an Prefs_ldap object
   - 2. Create an Prefs_sql
     - 2.1. for each scope in [ 'horde', 'imp', 'turba', 'ingo', 
                           'mnemo', 'nag' ]
       - 2.2. for each preference
          - 2.2.1. ldap get
          - 2.2.2. sql set

My failure is at 2.1;  I don't see a method whereby one enumerates all
the set defaults (just get-a-specific-default.).

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