[horde] ActiveSync Email

Michael Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Mon Apr 11 21:40:25 UTC 2011

Please don't top post.

Quoting Patrick Domack <patrickdk at patrickdk.com>:

> Yes I have reviewed that many times, but it doesn't explain why it's  
> connecting to imap, contacts, events, and tasks don't exist in imap.  
> Or why it's making calls to imp.
> I don't use imap authenication.
> Quoting Michael Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org>:
>> Quoting Patrick Domack <patrickdk at patrickdk.com>:
>>> Is email suppost to work over activesync?
>> No. Only contacts, events, and tasks.
>> See http://wiki.horde.org/ActiveSync for more details.
>> it seems like it's
>>> attempting to, but keeps getting imap login failure.
>>> When using tcpdump on this, I noticed it's using the correct  
>>> username but an empty password to auth with.
>>> When looking around, the only thing I can find is that maybe the  
>>> Horde/ActiveSync/Driver/Base.php stores the username and password,  
>>> but provides no method to retrieve the password.
>>> Doing a dump of the https activesync stream, the username and  
>>> password are fine in basic auth.
>>> Apr 11 14:32:51 kishi HORDE: HORDE [horde]  
>>> Horde_ActiveSync_Driver_Horde::logon attempt for:  
>>> dswett at patrickdk.com [pid 25688 on line 80 of  
>>> "/usr/share/php/Horde/Core/ActiveSync/Driver.php"]
>>> Apr 11 14:32:51 kishi HORDE: HORDE [horde] Request received from  
>>> device: androidxxxxxxx Supporting protocol version: 2.5 [pid 25688  
>>> on line 189 of "/usr/share/php/Horde/ActiveSync/Request/Base.php"]
>>> Apr 11 14:32:51 kishi HORDE: HORDE [horde]  
>>> [Horde_ActiveSync::handleFolderSync] Beginning FOLDERSYNC [pid  
>>> 25688 on line 35 of  
>>> "/usr/share/php/Horde/ActiveSync/Request/FolderSync.php"]
>>> Apr 11 14:32:51 kishi HORDE: HORDE [horde] User  
>>> dswett at patrickdk.com logged off [pid 25688 on line 93 of  
>>> "/usr/share/php/Horde/Core/ActiveSync/Driver.php"]
>>> Apr 11 14:33:00 kishi HORDE: HORDE [horde]  
>>> Horde_ActiveSync_Driver_Horde::logon attempt for:  
>>> dswett at patrickdk.com [pid 25009 on line 80 of  
>>> "/usr/share/php/Horde/Core/ActiveSync/Driver.php"]
>>> Apr 11 14:33:00 kishi HORDE: HORDE [horde] Request received from  
>>> device: androidxxxxxxx Supporting protocol version: 2.5 [pid 25009  
>>> on line 189 of "/usr/share/php/Horde/ActiveSync/Request/Base.php"]
>>> Apr 11 14:33:00 kishi HORDE: HORDE [horde] [androidxxxxxxx]  
>>> Handling SYNC command. [pid 25009 on line 33 of  
>>> "/usr/share/php/Horde/ActiveSync/Request/Sync.php"]
>>> Apr 11 14:33:00 kishi HORDE: HORDE [horde] [androidxxxxxxx]  
>>> Syncing folder class: Calendar [pid 25009 on line 71 of  
>>> "/usr/share/php/Horde/ActiveSync/Request/Sync.php"]
>>> Apr 11 14:33:00 kishi HORDE: HORDE [horde] [androidxxxxxxx] Folder  
>>> server id: Calendar [pid 25009 on line 86 of  
>>> "/usr/share/php/Horde/ActiveSync/Request/Sync.php"]
>>> Apr 11 14:33:00 kishi HORDE: HORDE [horde] [androidxxxxxxx]  
>>> Beginning SYNC Response. [pid 25009 on line 375 of  
>>> "/usr/share/php/Horde/ActiveSync/Request/Sync.php"]
>>> Apr 11 14:33:08 kishi HORDE: HORDE [imp] FAILED LOGIN for  
>>> dswett at patrickdk.com (Horde user dswett at patrickdk.com)  
>>> [] to {localhost:143} [pid 25009 on line 200 of  
>>> "/var/www/horde4/imp/lib/Auth.php"]

There is nothing in this log to indicate that ActiveSync is attempting  
to read email. The only line remotely related to this is the last line  
in the Log, and that is *not* coming from ActiveSync. The ActiveSync  
login was successful, otherwise you wouldn't have all the FOLDERSYNC  
commands showing in the log.

There were some bugs related to erroneous imp auth errors, it's  
possible that you are hitting against one of these.


The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org

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