[horde] upgrade H4 pear from H3 tarballs : conf.php

Bruno Costacurta techie at costacurta.org
Fri Apr 22 13:06:41 UTC 2011

>>> So the migration path H3 to H4 is ?
>>> 1) move previous H3 directory /var/www/horde to a backup one.
>>> 2) execute a new pear installation on a new directory called
>>> /var/www/horde.
>>> 3) simply copy the previous configuration files (file conf.php) to the
>>> new installation.
>>> Is this migration path H3 (tarballs files) to H4 (PEAR method) correct ?
> Copying the old configuration files is probably not going to work.
> It's safer to re-create the configuration.
> Jan.

Good to notice that handmade work has to be done on conf.php file when  
upgrading from H3 to H4.


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