[horde] compose_cursor not working + FIREFOX

Molina Eslava, Rafael rafael.molina.sspa at juntadeandalucia.es
Mon May 2 21:09:17 UTC 2011

Hi, newly...

I follow doing test.
I think that only "fail" the location of cursor when html editor is

If you have disable the editor html, when you composing a new message,
the cursor is focused in the "To:" field, but, for example, if you reply
a html message with the same format that original, the cursor is located
in the bottom.

If you active the html edition, always the cursor is located behind of
the signature.


Jan Schneider < jan at horde.org <mailto:jan at horde.org> > escribió:

> Zitat von "Molina Eslava, Rafael" <
rafael.molina.sspa at juntadeandalucia.es
<mailto:rafael.molina.sspa at juntadeandalucia.es> >:
>> Hi
>> I have a problem with the latest version of imp (Horde 4).
>> The preference prefs['compose_cursor'] not working in firefox.
>> fine in internet explorer.
>> In firefox always the cursor is located at Bottom.
>> Another question is the next....
>> In previous version of imp, when i compose a message, by default, the
>> cursor is located in "To" field, but in this new version, by default,
>> the cursor is located in the body.
> I don't see any of those, assuming you are talking about the dynamic
> interface. The cursor is focused in the To: field if composing a new
> message, and in the body if replying, with the cursor positioned as
> per preference in FF 4.
> Jan.
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