[horde] left side configuration menu missing

John Deragon jderagon at gilt.com
Tue May 3 19:36:30 UTC 2011


I am attempting to install Horde 4.02 on a Amazon EC2 instance (Amazon Linux AMI release 2011.02.1.1).

I have gone through the prerequisites, and have satifised all the requirements listed in the horde/test.php script.

When I attempt to go to http://.xxxxx/horde it redirects me to http://..../horde/services/portal, but the screen and left hand menu is all messed up and it does not give me any links to configure the rest of the settings.

I only have links for Home, Horde, Log out and then on a new line 

Administrator | Add Content.

I have checked my php error log and turned debugging on the max and do not see any errors either in the php logs or in the apache logs.

This is running php version PHP 5.3.6  and httpd.i686                             2.2.16-1.11.amzn1 

Has anyone seen this issue of the configuration page being broken?

Here is an image of what I am seeing:



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