[horde] Solved (was: Weather.com Portalblock)

Hanns Mattes hanns at hannsmattes.de
Wed May 4 22:09:31 UTC 2011

Michael Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org> schrieb:

>[Weather.com Portalblock throws blank page]
>Sorry, not without any error messages from the log. Are you sure they
>are installed into the include_path of your H4 install? i.e., Does the
>test.php page show it available?

Yes, it does. But Your remark made me check my php-installation.

AFAICS the Problem was a "wrong" version of XML-Serialize, which I had
installed via Opensuse's zypper. Deinstalling it and reinstalling
XML-Serialize with pear solved the Problem.

Thank You, Michael, for Your help.

Regards Hanns

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