[horde] Missing link for Horde 4 docs/INSTALL on website

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Thu May 12 17:03:55 UTC 2011

Bruno Costacurta <techie at costacurta.org> wrote:

>just for information the link for Horde 4 documentation on Horde
>is simply missing as return 404 from the github.com.
>See hereafter for incorrect link.
>For more detailed installation and configuration instructions, e.g. how
>install Horde from PEAR into a location other than the system default,
>see https://github.com/horde/horde/blob/master/horde/docs/INSTALL.
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Can you be more specific about where you see a broken link to github for Horde documentation on our website? AFAIK all the doc links should display the docs directly on the site.
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