[horde] overriding conf.xml

LALOT Dominique dom.lalot at gmail.com
Tue Jun 7 07:12:24 UTC 2011


I would like to adapt the shibboleth driver in order to list users through
ldap. If I patch shibboleth (which should be renamed ApacheEnv as we can use
also libapache2-mod-auth-cas), the driver will be replaced during pear
So I want to change its name, and I want to be able to select it through
admin panel. The problem is that I have to patch conf.xml. I red a post
http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/8172 concerning conf.d directory. I try to put
a conf.xml file in it but it does not work.
Is this still working?

It's a pity there is no manual section in conf.xml as in conf.php..
Thanks for any hints


Dominique LALOT
Ingénieur Systèmes et Réseaux

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