[horde] Horde webmail

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Fri Jun 17 14:19:18 UTC 2011

Am 17.06.2011 16:14, schrieb Jan Schneider:
> Zitat von mc <mc at mcstrefa.eu>:
>> Heloo,
>> When I was executing command: pear install -a -B horde/webmail
>> I have got error:
>> Failed to download horde/webmail within preferred state "stable", latest release is version 4.0.0, stability
>> "beta", use "channel://pear.horde.org/webmail-4.0.0" to install
>> install failed

this is one of the idiotic behaviors of PEAR and also a reason why i
hate horde to be pear'ed, use "pear install channel://pear.horde.org/webmail-4.0.0"
this is really funny if there are many packages to install or dependencies

WTF why does PEAR such idiotic action instead installing the latest satble?

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