[horde] Horde 4.0 + Register_globals ON

Vilius Šumskas vilius at lnk.lt
Thu Jul 7 09:21:11 UTC 2011


> Hi,
> I have a Ubuntu server : Linux 2.6.24-19-server with PHP 5.2.4.
> Successfully, Horde 4.0 was installed.
> And I can access to the admin panel control, ONLY With  "Register_globals =
> Off"  on my php.ini.
> But I must keep the value to "ON" to allow intranet work properly. (Many
> business applications, yes  I know .that  sucks a lot . but I 've no
> choice.. ).
> I already try to create a ". Htaccess" in the root directory of Horde4, with
> the following parameters:
> php_value register_globals 0 OR php_flag register_globals off.
> I should not, but I tried also to modify "core.php" and comment out the test
> value REGISTER_GLOBALS. But nothing works.

Try "php_admin_flag register_globals off".
> How Horde can works fine with "register globals" set to on, in php.ini ?

You can't.


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