[horde] Horde 4.0 + Register_globals ON

Christopher Kunz (Filoo GmbH) chris at filoo.de
Thu Jul 7 10:02:25 UTC 2011

Am 07.07.2011 11:58, schrieb Baptiste Bauer:
> Thank you, yes i know my horde setup ^^
> I just demanded if /etc/apache2/apache2.conf is a good file to write this command.
> ( I am a beginner, and I believe (not sure)  there is another file for customs parameters ? 
> => on sites-enabled/000-default ?   on /etc/apache2/httpd.conf ( which is actually empty)

Depends on your distribution.

In Debian, you should put a config file named "horde.conf" into
/etc/apache2/conf.d and have all horde-specific configuration which is
NOT the vhost definition in there. This would also include the Alias for

On Debian machines, all files in /etc/apache2/conf.d are automatically
included into the Apache2 config on startup.



Filoo GmbH
Christopher Kunz, Geschäftsführer

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