[horde] ActiveSync problem

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Sun Jul 17 15:00:00 UTC 2011

Simon Wilson <simon at simonandkate.net> wrote:

>I have been trying to get ActiveSync working for a while with limited
>Horde 4.0.7, Turba 3.0.4. Hordeauth is set to use LDAP. Turba links  
>into LDAP for both a Personal LDAP address book and also a Shared  
>Address Book.
>In Turba this config works fine, I have all the appropriate access  
>across all users to their relevant address books and also the shared  
>Now ActiveSync.
>I have tried this on multiple devices - an iPhone that has other  
>"Exchange" email accounts active, and an iPad that does not, which is  
>what I am testing on now.
>Initial discovery and sync - works fine. The iPad "sees" Horde, and  
>syncs the Contacts from LDAP immediately.
>Changes in Turba - add, delete, edit: all sync almost immediately thru 
>to the iPad.
>Changes on iPad end - This is the problem child. Nothing happens in  
>Turba. The iPad sits spinning its "network activity" wheel, and Turba  
>doesn't update. All through this period, I see this set of messages  
>every five seconds in the Activesync log:
>2011-07-17T22:52:14+10:00 DEBUG: [ApplDLXFT5X3DFJ2] Attempting to load 
>PING state for: Contacts
>2011-07-17T22:52:14+10:00 DEBUG: [ApplDLXFT5X3DFJ2] Obtained last sync 
>time for Contacts - 1310907098
>2011-07-17T22:52:14+10:00 DEBUG: [ApplDLXFT5X3DFJ2] Initializing  
>message diff engine for Contacts
>2011-07-17T22:52:14+10:00 DEBUG:  
>Horde_ActiveSync_Driver_Horde::getServerChanges(Contacts, 1310907098,  
>1310907134, 0)
>2011-07-17T22:52:14+10:00 DEBUG: [ApplDLXFT5X3DFJ2] Found 0 message  
>changes, checking for PIM initiated changes.
>2011-07-17T22:52:14+10:00 DEBUG: [ApplDLXFT5X3DFJ2] No PIM changes  
>present, returning all messages.
>And nothing changes in Turba.
>As an unrelated thing I restarted Apache on the server, and then when  
>it came back up BANG - the queued test entry activity hit Turba with  
>the following log messages:
>2011-07-17T22:56:42+10:00 INFO: Horde_ActiveSync_Driver_Horde::logon  
>attempt for: simon
>2011-07-17T22:56:42+10:00 INFO: Request received from device:  
>ApplDLXFT5X3DFJ2 Supporting protocol version: 2.5
>2011-07-17T22:56:42+10:00 INFO: [ApplDLXFT5X3DFJ2] Handling SYNC
>2011-07-17T22:56:42+10:00 DEBUG: [ApplDLXFT5X3DFJ2] Checking policykey 
>for device  Key: 0 User: simon
>2011-07-17T22:56:42+10:00 DEBUG: Policykey: 0 verified.
>2011-07-17T22:56:42+10:00 DEBUG: I  <Synchronize>
>2011-07-17T22:56:42+10:00 DEBUG: I   <Folders>
>2011-07-17T22:56:42+10:00 DEBUG: I    <Folder>
>2011-07-17T22:56:42+10:00 DEBUG: I     <FolderType>
>2011-07-17T22:56:42+10:00 DEBUG: I      Contacts
>2011-07-17T22:56:42+10:00 INFO: [ApplDLXFT5X3DFJ2] Syncing folder  
>class: Contacts
>2011-07-17T22:56:42+10:00 DEBUG: I     </FolderType>
>2011-07-17T22:56:42+10:00 DEBUG: I     <SyncKey>
>2011-07-17T22:56:42+10:00 DEBUG: I       
>2011-07-17T22:56:42+10:00 DEBUG: I     </SyncKey>
>2011-07-17T22:56:42+10:00 DEBUG: I     <FolderId>
>2011-07-17T22:56:42+10:00 DEBUG: I      Contacts
>2011-07-17T22:56:42+10:00 INFO: [ApplDLXFT5X3DFJ2] Folder server id:
>2011-07-17T22:56:42+10:00 DEBUG: I     </FolderId>
>2011-07-17T22:56:42+10:00 DEBUG: I     <DeletesAsMoves/>
>2011-07-17T22:56:42+10:00 DEBUG: Unmatched tagSupported:
>2011-07-17T22:56:42+10:00 DEBUG: I     <GetChanges/>
>2011-07-17T22:56:42+10:00 DEBUG: I     <WindowSize>
>2011-07-17T22:56:42+10:00 DEBUG: I      25
>2011-07-17T22:56:42+10:00 DEBUG: I     </WindowSize>
>2011-07-17T22:56:42+10:00 DEBUG: I     <Commands>
>2011-07-17T22:56:42+10:00 DEBUG: Unmatched tagOptions:
>2011-07-17T22:56:42+10:00 DEBUG: [ApplDLXFT5X3DFJ2] Loading state for  
>synckey {4e22daa7-bc04-4fd4-a63a-3d51c0a801aa}3
>2011-07-17T22:56:42+10:00 DEBUG: [ApplDLXFT5X3DFJ2] SQL query by  
>Horde_ActiveSync_State:_gc(): SELECT sync_key FROM  
>horde_activesync_state WHERE sync_devid = ? AND sync_folderid = ?  
>VALUES: Array
>     [0] => ApplDLXFT5X3DFJ2
>     [1] => Contacts
>2011-07-17T22:56:42+10:00 DEBUG: I      <Add>
>2011-07-17T22:56:42+10:00 DEBUG: I       <ClientEntryId>
>2011-07-17T22:56:42+10:00 DEBUG: Unmatched tagServerEntryId:
>2011-07-17T22:56:42+10:00 DEBUG: I        721
>2011-07-17T22:56:42+10:00 DEBUG: I       </ClientEntryId>
>2011-07-17T22:56:42+10:00 DEBUG: I       <Data>
>2011-07-17T22:56:42+10:00 DEBUG: I        <POOMCONTACTS:Body/>
>2011-07-17T22:56:42+10:00 DEBUG: I        <POOMCONTACTS:Email1Address>
>2011-07-17T22:56:42+10:00 DEBUG: I         test at simonandkate.net
>2011-07-17T22:56:42+10:00 DEBUG: I        </POOMCONTACTS:Email1Address>
>2011-07-17T22:56:42+10:00 DEBUG: I        <POOMCONTACTS:FileAs>
>2011-07-17T22:56:42+10:00 DEBUG: I         Test, Test
>2011-07-17T22:56:42+10:00 DEBUG: I        </POOMCONTACTS:FileAs>
>2011-07-17T22:56:42+10:00 DEBUG: I        <POOMCONTACTS:FirstName>
>2011-07-17T22:56:42+10:00 DEBUG: I         Test
>2011-07-17T22:56:42+10:00 DEBUG: I        </POOMCONTACTS:FirstName>
>2011-07-17T22:56:42+10:00 DEBUG: I        <POOMCONTACTS:LastName>
>2011-07-17T22:56:42+10:00 DEBUG: I         Test
>2011-07-17T22:56:42+10:00 DEBUG: I        </POOMCONTACTS:LastName>
>2011-07-17T22:56:42+10:00 DEBUG: I        <POOMCONTACTS:Picture/>
>2011-07-17T22:56:42+10:00 DEBUG: I       </Data>
>2011-07-17T22:56:42+10:00 DEBUG: Horde::changeMessage(Contacts, )
>2011-07-17T22:56:43+10:00 DEBUG:  
>ActiveSync_Driver_Horde::_smartStatMessage:Contacts:20110717225642.WKMBMdJO7vlOItwKLfKj5vA at mail.simonandkate.net
>2011-07-17T22:56:43+10:00 DEBUG: I      </Add>
>2011-07-17T22:56:43+10:00 DEBUG: I     </Commands>
>2011-07-17T22:56:43+10:00 DEBUG: [ApplDLXFT5X3DFJ2] Processed 1  
>incoming changes
>2011-07-17T22:56:43+10:00 DEBUG: I    </Folder>
>2011-07-17T22:56:43+10:00 DEBUG: I   </Folders>
>2011-07-17T22:56:43+10:00 DEBUG: Unmatched tagFolder:
>2011-07-17T22:56:43+10:00 DEBUG: I  </Synchronize>
>2011-07-17T22:56:43+10:00 INFO: [ApplDLXFT5X3DFJ2] Beginning SYNC
>2011-07-17T22:56:43+10:00 DEBUG: [ApplDLXFT5X3DFJ2] Initializing  
>message diff engine for Contacts
>2011-07-17T22:56:43+10:00 DEBUG:  
>Horde_ActiveSync_Driver_Horde::getServerChanges(Contacts, 1310907098,  
>1310907403, 0)
>2011-07-17T22:56:43+10:00 DEBUG: [ApplDLXFT5X3DFJ2] Found 0 message  
>changes, checking for PIM initiated changes.
>2011-07-17T22:56:43+10:00 DEBUG: O  <Synchronize>
>2011-07-17T22:56:43+10:00 DEBUG: O   <Folders>
>2011-07-17T22:56:43+10:00 DEBUG: O    <Folder>
>2011-07-17T22:56:43+10:00 DEBUG: O     <FolderType>
>2011-07-17T22:56:43+10:00 DEBUG: O     Contacts
>2011-07-17T22:56:43+10:00 DEBUG: O      <FolderType/>
>2011-07-17T22:56:43+10:00 DEBUG: O     <SyncKey>
>2011-07-17T22:56:43+10:00 DEBUG: O    
>2011-07-17T22:56:43+10:00 DEBUG: O      <SyncKey/>
>2011-07-17T22:56:43+10:00 DEBUG: O     <FolderId>
>2011-07-17T22:56:43+10:00 DEBUG: O     Contacts
>2011-07-17T22:56:43+10:00 DEBUG: O      <FolderId/>
>2011-07-17T22:56:43+10:00 DEBUG: O     <Status>
>2011-07-17T22:56:43+10:00 DEBUG: O     1
>2011-07-17T22:56:43+10:00 DEBUG: O      <Status/>
>2011-07-17T22:56:43+10:00 DEBUG: O     <Replies>
>2011-07-17T22:56:43+10:00 DEBUG: O      <Add>
>2011-07-17T22:56:43+10:00 DEBUG: O       <ClientEntryId>
>2011-07-17T22:56:43+10:00 DEBUG: O       721
>2011-07-17T22:56:43+10:00 DEBUG: O        <ClientEntryId/>
>2011-07-17T22:56:43+10:00 DEBUG: O       <ServerEntryId>
>2011-07-17T22:56:43+10:00 DEBUG: O        
>20110717225642.WKMBMdJO7vlOItwKLfKj5vA at mail.simonandkate.net
>2011-07-17T22:56:43+10:00 DEBUG: O        <ServerEntryId/>
>2011-07-17T22:56:43+10:00 DEBUG: O       <Status>
>2011-07-17T22:56:43+10:00 DEBUG: O       1
>2011-07-17T22:56:43+10:00 DEBUG: O        <Status/>
>2011-07-17T22:56:43+10:00 DEBUG: O       <Add/>
>2011-07-17T22:56:43+10:00 DEBUG: O      <Replies/>
>2011-07-17T22:56:43+10:00 DEBUG: O     <Folder/>
>2011-07-17T22:56:43+10:00 DEBUG: [ApplDLXFT5X3DFJ2] Saving state: Array
>     [0] => {4e22daa7-bc04-4fd4-a63a-3d51c0a801aa}4
>     [1] => a:0:{}
>     [2] => ApplDLXFT5X3DFJ2
>     [3] => 1310907403
>     [4] => Contacts
>     [5] => simon
>2011-07-17T22:56:43+10:00 DEBUG: O    <Folders/>
>2011-07-17T22:56:43+10:00 DEBUG: O   <Synchronize/>
>2011-07-17T22:56:43+10:00 INFO: User simon logged off
>That got me interested - so i tried again. Created a new contact on  
>the iPad. The iPad sat there trying to contact server, but nothing  
>Every 5 seconds in the activesync log:
>2011-07-17T23:16:14+10:00 DEBUG: [ApplDLXFT5X3DFJ2] Attempting to load 
>PING state for: Contacts
>2011-07-17T23:16:14+10:00 DEBUG: [ApplDLXFT5X3DFJ2] Obtained last sync 
>time for Contacts - 1310907403
>2011-07-17T23:16:14+10:00 DEBUG: [ApplDLXFT5X3DFJ2] Initializing  
>message diff engine for Contacts
>2011-07-17T23:16:14+10:00 DEBUG:  
>Horde_ActiveSync_Driver_Horde::getServerChanges(Contacts, 1310907403,  
>1310908574, 0)
>2011-07-17T23:16:14+10:00 DEBUG: [ApplDLXFT5X3DFJ2] Found 0 message  
>changes, checking for PIM initiated changes.
>2011-07-17T23:16:14+10:00 DEBUG: [ApplDLXFT5X3DFJ2] No PIM changes  
>present, returning all messages.
>But nothing into Turba. Waited for ten minutes. Still nothing. Stopped 
>Apache, iPad activity wheel goes into immediate intermittent motion  
>instead of constant. Restart Apache, Horde Portal presents 503 error  
>for about 15 seconds, then at the same instant that the iPad  
>successfully syncs the contact the Portal comes back to life. The  
>contact is now synced back into Turba LDAP, and the logs show that as  
>per above first example.
>I can now reproduce this every time, even the 503 errors from Horde  
>portal for 15 seconds after an Apache restart. If there are no queued  
>ActiveSync requests then the 503 errors don't occur, the Portal  
>responds again immediately after an Apache restart. Apache logs  
>nothing unusual, just the usual "resuming normal operations" messages  
>it does on a restart.
>Simon Wilson
>M: 0400 12 11 16
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That sounds as if there are no more apace or php-cgi processes available to answer the HTTP requests, i.e., a configuration issue.
Sent from mobile

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