[horde] Extra ActiveSync attributes from iOS

Simon Wilson simon at simonandkate.net
Wed Jul 20 13:38:42 UTC 2011

Now that I have ActiveSync working nicely, I'm in the process of  
switching my wife's huge set of contacts into Horde for ActiveSync.  
She has a very broad usage of contacts - many phone numbers,  
addresses, postal addresses, etc. Natively It's not going to work.  

When an iOS device connects contacts to Activesync it announces a set  
of capabilities (fields).

 From what I can see an Activesync field needs to be mapped in  
turba/lib/Driver.php to a valid and defined Turba attribute  
(turba/config/attributes.php). Turba then needs to have a defined  
place to put the data (e.g. an SQL database with a field defined in  

Am I correct so far?

 From digging through I get the following default mappings:

iOS Field         => Turba attribute    => mySQL
Anniversary       => anniversary        => NONE
Birthday          => birthday           => object_bday
Body              => notes              => object_notes
WebPage           => website            => object_url
BusinessCountry   => workcountry        => object_workcountry
Department        => department         => NONE
Email1Address     => email              => object_email
Email2Address     => homeEmail          => NONE
Email3Address     => workEmail          => NONE
BusinessFaxNumber => fax                => object_fax
FileAs            => name               => array
FirstName         => firstname          => object_firstname
HomeCity          => homeCity           => object_homecity
HomeCountry       => homeCountry        => object_homecountry
HomeFaxNumber     => NONE               => NONE
HomePhoneNumber   => homePhone          => object_homephone
Home2PhoneNumber  => NONE               => NONE
HomePostalCode    => homePostalCode     => object_homepostalcode
HomeState         => homeProvince       => object_homeprovince
HomeStreet        => homeStreet         => object_homestreet
BusinessCity      => workCity           => object_workcity
MiddleName        => middlenames        => object_middlenames
MobilePhoneNumber => cellPhone          => object_cellphone
Suffix            => nameSuffix         => object_namesuffix
CompanyName       => company            => object_company
OtherCity         => NONE               => NONE
OtherCountry      => NONE               => NONE
CarPhoneNumber    => NONE               => NONE
OtherPostalCode   => NONE               => NONE
OtherState        => NONE               => NONE
OtherStreet       => NONE               => NONE
PagerNumber       => pager              => object_pager
Picture           => photo              => object_photo
Title             => namePrefix         => object_nameprefix
BusinessPostalCode => workPostalCode    => objectworkpostalcode
AssistantName     => assistant          => NONE
AssistnamePhoneNumber => NONE           => NONE
LastName          => lastname           => object_lastname
Spouse            => spouse             => NONE   This one is  
advertised by iOS, but there's nowhere to enter / view
BusinessState     => workProvince       => object_workprovince
BusinessStreet    => workStreet         => workstreet
BusinessPhoneNumber => workPhone        => object_workphone
Business2PhoneNumber => NONE            => NONE
JobTitle          => title              => object_title
YomiFirstName     => NONE               => NONE
YomiLastName      => NONE               => NONE
RadioPhoneNumber  => NONE               => NONE
IMAddress         => NONE               => NONE
IMAddress2        => NONE               => NONE
IMAddress3        => NONE               => NONE
ManagerName       => NONE               => NONE
CompanyMainPhone  => NONE               => NONE
NickName          => should be alias => object_alias, but not mapped  
in Driver.php.

Where there is a Turba attribute but no SQL mapping it's an easy fix,  
just create the field in SQL and go for it, but where it is not mapped  
in Driver.php it's a bit more complex.

What I would like to do is add some support for some of the missing  
pieces into Driver.php, particularly the third address group (other),  
and some extra phone numbers. Is this just a case of adding both  
direction mappings to the ActiveSync Contact message sections of  
Driver.php (Convert contact to an AS contact message; and convert an  
AS contact message into a hash for import)? Or are there other places  
that will need work?

If I make those changes to Drivers.php I assume it's not a  
"Drivers.local.php" version, which means next upgrade will break my  
changes - is it worth me doing those and submitting a patch file back  
to Horde?


Simon Wilson
M: 0400 12 11 16

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