[horde] Hacking passwd to work in H4

Stephan Kleber stephan at admin.nabira.de
Fri Jul 22 22:58:16 UTC 2011

Hi Jan, Hi all,

> Pass a Horde_Auth_Exception as the 2nd parameter to
> authenticateFailure(). If you use the Horde_Auth::REASON_MESSAGE error
> code, the exception message will be displayed to the user.

I tried this but just got the exeption thrown as such. I was not even
redirected to the login-page.

I hate to say it, but the api documentation under dev.horde.org/api has
not been a great help here. The comments are too short to really
understand what each method is doing.

I'm making very, very small steps here, but I am grateful for any
further ideas.

Thanks and Greetz

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