[horde] Horde 4 Kronolith Colors

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Wed Aug 17 16:14:43 UTC 2011

Quoting Niels Dettenbach <nd at syndicat.com>:

> Am Mittwoch, 17. August 2011, 16:51:00 schrieb Niels Dettenbach:
>> Dear all,
>> within Horde 3 we worked with category colors in kronolith (i.e. as a part
>> of a broadcast plan of a radio station).
>> Within Horde 4 / kronolith it seems i can define categories and colors but
>> cant' see them within kronolith overviews as before/usual.
>> Is there any option to use such colors in the new kronolith too?
> ahh, sorry - found this old discussion here:
> http://old.nabble.com/Colorization-by-tags-td31811754.html
> This sound very bad rto us as we urgently need such a feature  -  
> i.e. that the
> first tag is used for the color - because it allows many users to save time
> when working with dates.

Unfortunately, this is not possible. There is no such thing as a  
"first tag". We do not support any kind of explicit/user-controlled  
tag ordering. In addition there are huge performance implications for  
color<->tag mapping and fetching all tags for all visible events on  
each view load. There is a ticket on the bug tracker in Kronolith's  
queue about this as well.I can't remember if it is  
open/stalled/rejected though at the moment.

If your users are using a small enough number of categories that  
applying colors to them makes sense, they can consider creating  
separate calendars for each category - calendars can be colored.

> Is there any patch or something like that around which implements this?

Nope. Nothing official, and nothing I've seen floating around either.


The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org

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