[horde] Horde3 not displaying in local iceweasel

Gunnar Wrobel wrobel at horde.org
Mon Aug 22 04:51:28 UTC 2011

Quoting Phil Reynolds <phil-horde at tinsleyviaduct.com>:

> I am currently unable to get my local horde3 framework to display on  
> the local machine if I use iceweasel.
> It will work quite happily in iceweasel on other systems such as my  
> laptop. It will work quite happily in other browsers on the local  
> machine.
> In iceweasel on the local machine, the "main" page appears to be  
> blank (no source), but if I view the source of the main blank frame,  
> I get this:
> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01  
> Transitional//EN"><html><head><title></title></head><body></body></html>
> I have tried clearing cache, history and cookies (much to my  
> dismay), which has usually restored it in the past. However, this  
> does not now work.
> What can I do to make it work again? What should I actually do when  
> this happens?

As this is not the expected behaviour I would suggest to look at the  
log files to determine the source of the error.



> -- 
> Phil Reynolds
> mail: phil-horde at tinsleyviaduct.com
> web: http://www.tinsleyviaduct.com/phil/
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