[horde] Unable to sync contacts with Kolab

Gunnar Wrobel wrobel at horde.org
Wed Sep 14 02:54:51 UTC 2011

Quoting contact at xavierclaude.be:

> Hello everybody,
>     I originatly send this mail to the turba mailing list but I  
> haven't got any answers. I'll hope I've got more here.
>     I've set up a Horde server to access to my mails and calendar
> everywhere. I've got no problem to get the mail or the calendar but I
> can't get the contacts from the Kolab server. When I want to add a
> contact in the address book:
> Sep 06 00:06:01 HORDE [error] [turba] NO, Mailbox does not exist [pid
> 12247 on line 84 of "/usr/share/horde3/turba/lib/Forms/AddContact.php"]
>      I haven't got any error in the log when I clic on the address
> book but I still can't access it. I should have miss something in the
> configuration but I can't see what.
>      I use the 2.3.4 version for turba and 3.3.8 for Horde. I've  
> installed it from the Debian packages.

I would expect some issues like this on the Debian version for the  
Kolab server. I don't think this will be fixed though you can try to  
contact the Debian maintainers about it. I'm in part responsible for  
creating a situation like this as there are Kolab specific patches  
necessary in Horde 3 that I try to get rid of in Horde 4. You should  
be able to use plain Horde 4 with the Kolab server soon.



>      Thank you for your help.
> Xavier Claude
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