[horde] Sending long emails fails every time

Louis-Philippe Allard lp.allard.1 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 15 01:09:33 UTC 2011

Quoting Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:
>> Zitat von Louis-Philippe Allard <lp.allard.1 at gmail.com>:
>   >
>   >>>
>   ...
>   >> Like I said, I am using GMail's SMTP server to send emails. I  
> do not have
>   >> my own SMTP server so I dont know which SMTP log to look at... I dont
>   >> believe my SMTP settings are defective...
>   >> I can send any kind of email except lenghty ones...
>   >>
>   >> Settings from the Administration > Horde > Mailer tab:
>   >>
>   >> * $conf[mailer][type]         Use a SMTP Server
>   >>
>   >> $conf[mailer][params][host]     smtp.gmail.com
>   >>
>   >> $conf[mailer][params][port]     587
>   >>
>   >> $conf[mailer][params][localhost]     EMPTY
>   >>
>   >> * $conf[mailer][params][auth]     Best available authentication
>   >>
>   >> $conf[mailer][params][username]     my email....
>   >>
>   >> $conf[mailer][params][password]     my password....
>   >>
>   >> Further directions to debug this would be appreciated.
>   >> Thanks!
>   >
>   > $conf['mailer']['params']['debug'] = true;
>   >
>   > Test with the traditional view.
>   >
>   > Jan.
OK I've tried what you suggested.  Using the traditional view and adding
the debug line in my $horde/config/conf.php.  I tried to send 2 VERY long
emails and I believe both were sent successfully.  I can mail the horde
log next time if need be but it will be rejected by the maillist as it is
roughly 120kb.

Also, as a side note, when the email was sent, I was shown a strange
window (maybe a debug window), this tons of text such as:

DEBUG: Recv: 220 mx.google.com ESMTP b4sm11242489ank.3 DEBUG: Send: EHLO
localhost DEBUG: Recv: 250-mx.google.com at your service, [IP] DEBUG:
Recv: 250-SIZE 35882577 DEBUG: Recv: 250-8BITMIME DEBUG: Recv:
DEBUG: Recv: 220 2.0.0 Ready to start TLS DEBUG: Send: EHLO localhost
DEBUG: Recv: 250-mx.google.com at your service, [IP] DEBUG: Recv: 250-SIZE
35882577 DEBUG: Recv: 250-8BITMIME DEBUG: Recv: 250-AUTH LOGIN PLAIN
Recv: 334 VXNlcm5hbWU6 DEBUG: Send: bHAuYWxsYXJkLjFAZ21haWwuY29t DEBUG:
Recv: 334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6 DEBUG: Send: bW90aGVyZ2FpYQ== DEBUG: Recv: 235
2.7.0 Accepted DEBUG: Send: MAIL FROM: DEBUG: Recv: 250 2.1.0 OK
b4sm11242489ank.3 DEBUG: Send: RCPT TO: DEBUG: Recv: 250 2.1.5 OK
b4sm11242489ank.3 DEBUG: Send: DATA DEBUG: Recv: 354 Go ahead
b4sm11242489ank.3 DEBUG: Send: Received: from IP ([IP]) by IP (Horde
Framework) with HTTP; Wed, 14 Sep 2011 21:00:39 -0400 Date: Wed, 14 Sep
2011 21:00:39 -0400 Message-ID:
<20110914210039.Horde.BSg9JiCOwNFOcU43KlRxMZA at IP> From: Louis-Philippe
Allard To: email at domain.com User-Agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP)
H4 (5.0.11) Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
boundary="=_UR77fiCOwNFOcU43KZ1BMZA" MIME-Version: 1.0 DEBUG: Send: This
message is in MIME format. DEBUG: Send: DEBUG: Send:
--=_UR77fiCOwNFOcU43KZ1BMZA DEBUG: Send: Content-Type: text/plain;
charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed; DelSp=Yes DEBUG: Send:
Content-Description: Plaintext Message DEBUG: Send: Content-Disposition:
inline DEBUG: Send: Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable DEBUG:
Send: DEBUG: Send: test DEBUG: Send: ... DEBUG: Send: =A0 DEBUG: Send:
DEBUG: Send: --=_UR77fiCOwNFOcU43KZ1BMZA DEBUG: Send: Content-Type:
text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 DEBUG: Send: Content-Description: HTML
Message DEBUG: Send: Content-Disposition: inline DEBUG: Send: DEBUG: Send:
DEBUG: Send: test
DEBUG: Send: test
DEBUG: Send:
DEBUG: Send:  
DEBUG: Send: DEBUG: Send: --=_UR77fiCOwNFOcU43KZ1BMZA-- DEBUG: Send: .
DEBUG: Recv: 250 2.0.0 OK 1316048422 b4sm11242489ank.3

And a "Close Window" button at the bottom.  What do you think???

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