[horde] imp undisclosed-recipients problem

zoolook nbensa+horde at gmail.com
Fri Sep 16 12:00:41 UTC 2011


2011/9/15 Reindl Harald <h.reindl at thelounge.net>

> Am 15.09.2011 23:04, schrieb Vilius Šumskas:
> > but I've got
> > some @localhost messages myself. Probably because IMP does allow empty
> > recipients which expand to @localhost or @localhost.example.com later?
> it is the job of the MTA-admin to set "reject_non_fqdn_recipient,
> reject_non_fqdn_sender"
You didn't understand the problem.

Someone at my-fqdn-domain.tld gets a message with the following to-from

From: someuser at another-fqdn-domain.tld

(To: is empty or non-existent)

Someone, replies to the message and imp fills to-from headers like this:

From: someone at my-fqdm-domain.tld
To: someuser at another-fqdn-domain.tld
Cc: @localhost


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