[horde] Who is trying to regularly login is admin

Gunnar Wrobel wrobel at horde.org
Wed Sep 21 19:31:48 UTC 2011

Quoting Alexander Gran <alexg at moduleworks.com>:

> Hi,
> I have the following repeated in my logs on a horde3/kolab system:
> Sep 16 13:26:02 havanna cyrus/imap[46702]: badlogin: havanna.moduleworks.com
> [212.XX.XXX.XXX] plaintext manager at moduleworks.com SASL(-1): generic failure:
> checkpass failed
> havanna is the hostname, the ip is it own (i.e. local via external interface)
> manager is my ldap admin. The only time that is configured for horde is in
> horde3/conf.php:$conf['auth']['admins']
> Why is horde trying to login as admin, and where do I need to put  
> the password
> for that task?

No element of Horde should connect with the "manager" account. Having  
the entry in $conf['auth']['admins'] should
have no effect - it is only used to determine who the system administrator is.

> Or is this kolabd trying something?

Could be. But hard to tell from just looking at the one log line.  
Increase the log level of kolabd to see its activity is synchronized  
with the logged imap error.



> regards
> Alex
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