[horde] Horde recovery

Hanns Mattes hanns at hannsmattes.de
Fri Sep 30 10:48:45 UTC 2011


after a fatal crash of a RAID-Array I had to set up my server from
scratch. I recovered Data and Configuration from my backup, so the
machine is up and running again.

Only thing left is the Reinstall/Recovery of Horde. I have the
mysql-Database with the horde-Table up an running, and I do have a
backup of the Document-Root in Apache. I don't have a backup of the
pear-Part of the Installation (Well, in fact I do have, but I dont
think,  simply copying the files  will work?).

So: What is the best way to proceed?
My Idea is to follow the instructions for a fresh install of horde and
the needed applications, and the copy the backuped horde-directory into
the fresh install.

Or is there a better way recovering the old install?

Regards Hanns

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