[horde] Horde and Quotas

Chris cjdl01 at brokensolstice.com
Tue Oct 4 23:25:44 UTC 2011

Quoting Eric Jon Rostetter <eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu>:

> Quoting Chris <cjdl01 at brokensolstice.com>:
>> And it works... so, if I have my grep_path correct, and I have my    
>> quota binary working for the www-data user (and it can get quotas    
>> for other users), and I have my posix extensions working... What am  
>>   I doing wrong?
> try posting the output from a quota command so we can see what it looks
> like.  Is it actually one line, two lines wrapped, or several lines, etc?
> See if there is any error being logged in your horde or system or web server
> logs.

Hi Eric,

That was actually in my last message in this thread.  The output is wrapped:
      Filesystem  blocks   quota   limit   grace   files   quota    
limit   grace
       /dev/sda3    2704  1000000 1024000             132       0       0

so I set the grep_path to /bin/grep -A1, but it did not help (doesn't  
work with /bin/grep either).

There is nothing in the log files regarding quota.  No evidence that  
it was even fired-off at all.  So, I am a  complete loss.  I did  
everything it said, and I am not even getting any error output -- even  
after setting my log level to DEBUG...

Any help is appreciated.


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