[horde] Help me. thanks

Ricardo Mantilla A ricardomantilla at gmail.com
Wed Oct 5 18:39:53 UTC 2011

Hi Vilius

Thank you for responding so quickly. The exact situation is as follows:

1. Cpanel income (admin)
2. Access to the main account where Horde visualize all accounts created.
3. I can see in the left menu features email, address book, calendar, 
tasks, etc. and I can also visualize the settings.
4. I can see more features in the top menu according to the selected tool.

nowhere I can visualize the creation of groups.

Any ideas?


El 05/10/11 12:56, Vilius Šumskas escribió:
> Sveiki,
> Wednesday, October 5, 2011, 8:48:00 PM, you wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have created and shared address books. I was able to give permissions
>> to individual users. I need to give permissions to groups. Can you tell
>> me how? - This is possible because the option is available but not how
>> to create groups.
> It's  in the Administration ->  Groups on the sidebar. You can see this
> option only if you are an administrator though.

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